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Event Deconfliction


Safeguarding Officers Through Event Deconfliction awareness video now available.

Click here to learn how to access the video on partner sites. 
*Work is under way to integrate the New York HIDTA

What Is Event Deconfliction?

Event deconfliction is the process of determining when law enforcement personnel are conducting an event in close proximity to one another at the same time. Events include law enforcement actions, such as undercover operations, surveillance, and executing search warrants. When certain elements (e.g., time, date, location) are matched between two or more events, a conflict results. Immediate notification is made to the affected agencies or personnel regarding the identified conflict.

Why Is Event Deconfliction Important to Me and My Agency?

Event deconfliction helps support and protect law enforcement officers in a variety of ways. Officers partaking in high-risk operations are able to enhance their personal safety and the safety of those around them. The use of an event deconfliction system also helps to reduce risk and liability, improve the wellness of officers, and safeguard citizens.

Using an event deconfliction system enables officers to identify operational conflicts and collaborate with other law enforcement agencies and officers. Officers are able to leverage each other's information and successfully apprehend criminals. Often, after entering an event into an event deconfliction system, officers discover that they are investigating the same subject as another law enforcement agency or officer. There is no cost to use any of the participating systems.

To ensure officer safety, it is vital for all law enforcement agencies and personnel to participate in event deconfliction.

What Is the Call to Action?

In 2013, A Call to Action was issued regarding event deconfliction. It stressed that in order to ensure officer safety, all law enforcement agencies and personnel should participate in event deconfliction. It also supported the interconnectivity of the three nationally recognized event deconfliction systems—Case Explorer, SAFETNet, and RISSafe. To read A Call to Action, visit here.  

What Does It Mean to Me That the Three Systems Are Integrated?

All three systems deconflict with each other. No matter which system you use, you will receive conflict information from partner systems when you enter an event into your system.

What Event Deconfliction Systems Are Utilized in My State?

Case Explorer, SAFETNet, and RISSafe provide event deconfliction services in all states and U.S. territories. Regardless of the system used, the important thing is for agencies to deconflict. Utilize the Interactive Map of Deconfliction Systems to view which event deconfliction system(s) is(are) available in your state.


How Do I Obtain Additional Information?

There are resources available at this site, including a sample agency policy and frequently asked questions. You may also contact your in-region RISS Center or HIDTA (links below) for additional information and to obtain access.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police, the National Sheriffs’ Association, the Major Cities Chiefs Association, the Major County Sheriffs’ Association, the National Fusion Center Association, the Association of State Criminal Investigative Agencies, the National Alliance of State Drug Enforcement Agencies, RISS, the HIDTAs, and many federal partners all support the integration of event deconfliction into agency operations.

Fecha de Creación: Octubre 21, 2020