Bandera de Estados Unidos

Un sitio oficial del Gobierno de Estados Unidos, Departamento de Justicia.

Privacy Line Officer Training


The Importance of Privacy, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties Protections in American Law Enforcement and Public Safety training video was developed by the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative's Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council to assist local, state, and tribal law enforcement line officers in understanding their role in the protection of privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties as they perform their everyday duties. The video provides an introductory overview of what privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties protections are; examples of these protections; and the important function line officers have in upholding these protections.

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This video resource/training is undergoing updates and reformatting and is not currently available. It will be restored once the reformatting process is complete. If you need immediate access for training purposes, please submit a request using our Contact Us form.

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Fecha de Creación: Junio 14, 2021